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- Exo-Chirality of the α-Helix
J. M. Martínez-Parra, R. Gómez-Ojea, G. A. Daudey, M. Calvelo, H. Fernández-Caro, J. Montenegro,* J. Bergueiro*
Nature Communications 2024, 15, 6987
- Self-assembly of Cyclic Peptide Monolayers by Hydrophobic Supramolecular Hinges
I. Insua, A. Cardellini, S. Diaz, J. Bergueiro, R. Capelli, G. Pavan,* J. Montenegro*
Chemical Science 2023, 48, 14074-14081.
- Structural Control and Functionalization of Thermoresponsive Nanogels: Turning Cross-linking Points into Anchoring Groups
A. Wolfel, H. Wang, E. R. Osorio-Blanco, J. Bergueiro, M. R. Romero, C. I. Alvarez Igarzabal, M. Calderón*
Polymer Chemistry 2023, 25, 2998-3007.
- A hybrid thermoresponsive plasmonic nanogel designed for NIR-mediated chemotherapy
J. Bergueiro,* E. A. Glitscher, M. Calderón*
Biomaterials Advances 2022, 137, 212842.
- Bottom-Up Supramolecular Assembly in the Second Dimension
I. Insua, J. Bergueiro, A. Méndez-Ardoy, I. Lostalé-Seijo and J. Montenegro*
Chemical Science 2022 , 13, 3057-3068.
- The emergence of order: A closer look at peptide assembly and its complexity
A. Méndez-Ardoy, J. Bergueiro and J. Montenegro*
Matter 2021, 4, 3081-3083.
- The Role of Polymer–AuNP Interaction in the Stimuli-Response Properties of PPA–AuNP Nanocomposites
M. Núñez-Martínez, S. Arias, J. Bergueiro, E. Quiñoá, R. Riguera and F. Freire*
Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2021, 2100616 (Early view).
- Exploiting cyanine dye J-aggregates/monomer equilibrium in hydrophobic protein pockets for efficient multi-step phototherapy: an innovative concept for smart nanotheranostics
M. L. Picchio, J. Bergueiro, S. Wedepohl, R. J. Minari, C. I. Alvarez-Igarzabal, L. M. Gugliotta, J. C. Cuggino* and M. Calderón*
Nanoscale 2021, 13, 8909-8921.
- Design and Testing of Efficient Mucus‐Penetrating Nanogels—Pitfalls of Preclinical Testing and Lessons Learned
R. Charbaji, M. Kar, L. E. Theune, J. Bergueiro, A. Eichhorst, L. Navarro, P. Graff, F. Stumpff, M. Calderón* and S. Hedtrich*
Small 2021, 17, 2007963.
- Galvanic Replacement as Synthetic Tool for the Construction of Anisotropic Magnetoplasmonic Nanocomposites with Synergistic Phototransducing and Magnetic Properties
C. Biglione, E. A. Glitscher, S. Arora, B. Klemke, M. Giulbudagian, P. Laux, A. Luch, J. Bergueiro* and M. Calderón*
ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces 2020, 12, 56839-56849.
- Revealing the NIR-triggered Chemotherapy Therapeutic Window of Magnetic and Thermoresponsive Nanogels
C. Biglione,‡ J. Bergueiro,‡ S. Wedepohl, B. Klemke, M. C. Strumia* and M. Calderón*
Nanoscale 2020, 12, 21635-21646
Featured in Nanoscale collection as Editor’s Choice: Breakthroughs in nanobiotechnology
- The Influence of Shape and Charge on Protein Corona Composition in Common Gold Nanosctructures
T. Bewersdorff, E. A. Glitscher, J. Bergueiro, M. Eravci, E. Miceli, A. Haase* and M. Calderón*
Materials Sci. Eng. C, 2020, 117, 111270.
- Supramolecular Polymerization: A Conceptual expansion for Innovative Materials
P. K. Hashim,‡ J. Bergueiro,‡ E. W. Meijer and T. Aida*
Prog. Pol. Sci. 2020, 105, 101250
- Polyglyrecol-Based Thermoresponsive Nanocapsules Induce Skin Hydration and Serve as a Skin Penetration Enhancer
E. R. Osorio-Blanco, F. Rancan, A. Klossek, J. H. Nissen, L. Hoffmann, J. Bergueiro, S. Riedel, A. Vogt, E. Rühl and M. Calderón.*
ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces 2020, 12, 30136-30144.
- Chiral gold–PPA nanocomposites with tunable helical sense and morphology
J. Bergueiro, M. Nuñez-Martínez, S. Arias, E. Quiñoá, R. Riguera and F. Freire*
Nanoscale Horiz. 2020, 5, 495-500.
- Effect of Core Nanostructure on the Thermomechanical Properties of Soft Nanoparticles
E. R. Orsorio-Blanco, J. Bergueiro, B. E. Abali, S. Ehrmann, C. Böttcher, A. J. Müller, J. L. Cuéllar-Camacho* and M. Calderón*
Chem. Mater. 2020, 32, 518-528
- Design of Surface-Modified Electrodes for the Electrochemical Adsorption of Platinum-Based Anticancer Drugs
A. Kolodziej, C. S. Le Duff, J. Bergueiro, M. Walker, A. Keeler, A. E. Russell, P. Fernandez-Trillo* and P. Rodriguez*
Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 8012-8018
- The Influence of the Shape of Au Nanoparticles on the Catalytic Current of Fructose Dehydrogenase
P. Bollella, Y. Hibino, P. Conejo-Valverde, J. Soto-Cruz, J. Bergueiro, M. Calderón, O. Rojas-Carrillo, K. Kano and L. Gorton*
Analytical Bioanalytical Chem. 2019, 1-13
- An Anisotropic Hydrogel Actuator Enabling Earthworm‐Like Directed Peristaltic Crawling
Z. Sun, Y. Yamaguchi, F. Araoka, Y. S. Kim, J. Bergueiro, Y. Ishida,* Y. Ebina, T. Sasaki, T. Hikima and T. Aida*
Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 2018, 26, 15772-15776
Highlighted in Chemistry Views
- Optimizing the circulating tumor cells capture efficiency of magnetic nanogels by transferrin decoration
C. Biglione, J. Bergueiro, M. Asadian-Birjand, C. Weise, V. Khobragade, G. Chate, M. Dongare, J. Khandare, M. Strumia, M. Calderón*
Polymers 2018, 10, 174
- Enhanced topical delivery of dexamethasone by β-cyclodextrin decorated thermoresponsive nanogels
M. Giulbudagian, S. Hönzke, J. Bergueiro, D. Işık, F. Schumacher, S. Saeidpour, S. B. Lohan, M. C. Meinke, C. Teutloff, M. Schäfer-Korting, G. Yealland, B. Kleuser, S. Hedtrich and M. Calderón*
Nanoscale 2018, 10, 469-479
- Unexpected Chiro-Thermoresponsive Behaviour of Helical Poly(phenylacetylene)s Bearing Elastin-Based Side-Chains
S. Arias, F. Freire,* M. Calderón* and J. Bergueiro*
Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 11420-11425

- Dendritic polyglycerol and N-isopropylacrylamide based thermoresponsive nanogels as smart carriers for controlled delivery of drugs through the hair follicle
F. F. Sahle, M. Giulbuldagian, J. Bergueiro, J. Lademann and M. Calderon*
Nanoscale 2017, 9, 172-182
- Near Infrared Dye Conjugated Nanogels for Combined Photodynamic and Photothermal Therapies
M. Asadian-Birjand, J. Bergueiro, S. Wedepohl and M. Calderon*
Macromol. Biosci. 2016, 16, 1432-1441

Highlighted in Advanced Science News
- Transferrin Decorated Thermoresponsive Nanogels as Magnetic Trap Devices for Circulating Tumor Cells
M. Asadian-Birjand, C. Biglione, J. Bergueiro, A. Cappelletti, C. Rahane, G. Chate, J. Khandare, B. Klemke, M. C. Strumia* and M. Calderon*
Macromol. Rapid Comm. 2016, 37, 439-445

Highlighted in Advanced Science News
- Chiral Nanostructures from Helical Copolymer–Metal Complexes: Tunable Cation-p Interactions and Sergeants and Soldiers Effect
S. Arias J. Bergueiro, E. Quiñoa, R. Riguera and F. Freire*
Small 2015, 12, 238-244
(DOI:10.1002/smll.201502276 )

Highlighted in Advances in Engineering
- Engineering Thermoresponsive Polyether-based Nanogels for Temperature Dependent Skin Penetration
M. Asadian-Birjand, J. Bergueiro, F. Rancan, J. C. Cuggino, R. –C. Mutihac, K. Achazi, J. Dernedde, U. Blume-Peytayi, A. Vogt and M. Calderon*
Pol. Chem. 2015, 6, 5827-5831
- Stimuli-Responsive Nanogel Composites and their Application in Nanomedicine
M. Molina, M. Asadian-Birjand, J. Balach, J. Bergueiro, E. Miceli and M. Calderon*
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2015, 44, 6161-6186
(DOI:10.1039/C5CS00199D )
- Aplicaciones Biomédicas de Nanogeles Dendríticos Termosensibles
M. Molina, J. Bergueiro, A. Sousa-Herves and M. Calderon
Rev. Iber. Polímeros 2015, 16, 164-172
- Thermoresponsive Nanodevices in Biomedical Applications
J. Bergueiro and M. Calderon*
Macomol. Biosci. 2014, 15, 183-199
- One-step Chemoselective Conversion of Tetrahydropyranyl Ethers to Silyl-Protected Alcohols
J. Bergueiro, J. Montenegro,* C. Saa and S. Lopez*
RSC Advances 2014, 4, 14475-14479
- The ON/OFF Switching by Metal Ions of the “Sergeants and Soldiers” Chiral Amplification Effect on Helical Poly(phenylacetylene)s
J. Bergueiro, F. Freire, E. P. Wendler, J. M. Seco, E. Quiñoa and R. Riguera*
Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 2170-2176
Inside Front Cover

Highlighted in NanoWerk
- Encyclopedia of Toxicology 3rd 2104 Ed. Chapter: “Silane” (Elsevier Ed.) pp 261-263
S. López, J. Bergueiro and J. Fidalgo
- Encyclopedia of Toxicology 3rd 2014 Ed. Chapters: “Silicon Tetrachloride” (Elsevier Ed.) pp 916-918
S. López, J. Bergueiro and J. Fidalgo
- Synthesis of 11-cis-Retinoids by Hydrosilylation-Protodesilylation of an 11,12-Didehydro Precursor. Easy Access to 11- and 12-Mono and 11,12-Dideuteroretinoids
J. Bergueiro, J. Montenegro, C. Saá and S. López*
Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 14100-14107
- 1-{[1-(Cyano-2-ethoxy-2-oxoethylidenaminooxy)dimethylaminomorpholino-methylene]}methaneaminium Hexafluorophosphate (COMU)
J. Bergueiro
Synlett 2012, 23, 1849
- Cross-coupling Reactions of Organosilicon Compounds in the Stereospecific Synthesis of Retinoids
J. Bergueiro, J. Montenegro, F. Cambeiro, C. Saá and S. López*
Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 4401-4410
- Hiyama Cross-Coupling Reaction in the Stereospecific Synthesis of Retinoids
J. Montenegro, J. Bergueiro, C. Saá and S. López*
Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 141-144